
Napse Delivery App

Arrange all your orders in a single location and boost your business opportunities



Sell more with your delivery

The Napse Delivery App is a platform to receive omnichannel online orders that are customized with your brand and visual identity. You can receive online orders through the app, website, chatbot, and phone. It connects with any payment method, and coordinates the shipping through any last-mile shipping company or your own delivery.

The Napse Delivery App is focused on the user’s experience and strengthening an innovative brand for consumers. It focuses on selling more through marketing automation and the application of smart operations.

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Reduced costs

With the Napse Delivery App, there are no commissions for orders. With the delivery app, your establishment will have its own custom sales channels online: website, app, orders through FanPage, Chat Bot on Facebook Messenger, among others.
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Optimized processes

The Napse Delivery App eliminates the need for multiple phone lines, multiple assistants, and conflicting orders. Orders are automatically received with order confirmation and status changes, to reduce costs and have more satisfied customers. find out more

Custom delivery

With the Napse Delivery App, you can customize the app with the visual identity of the brand.
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